Golden Daisy Masterclass
Have you ever struggled with twiddling paste on your wires, getting it thin and even, on your wires??
Have you always wanted to make thin and smooth stems for your flowers and hated the crease marks you get from covering it with floral tape?
Wondered how to make thin and delicate petals which won’t snap off at the slightest touch?
Faced the issue of wires not going in properly into the thin and delicate leaves or struggled with the traditional method of wiring the leaves/ petals?
What if I told you that I have the solution to all your woes? 😊
AQT – Arati’s Quick twiddle Technique -A technique that is a Game changer, cuts working time by more than half, ensures that you get uniform and neat twiddles -always and every time!!
I will be showing you how to use this new technique to make these glorious Golden Daisies -Euryops Pectinatus wherein I’ll show you how to apply my Quick Twiddling technique- AQT, to get the best results!!
This fantastic technique AQT, is something which will be one of the most basic technique for all flower artists- no matter at what level they are!